This image represents the ability to reveal our true selves when we feel safe, comfortable or happy. In those moments, the transformation can be dramatic. From a gloomy, sad outlook to one of vast possibilities and potential, where the sky opens up and anything is possible.
I believe we all have a ‘true self’ somewhere amongst our anxiety, fear, hate, doubt or sadness. Embracing that self can reveal a version of you that shines and grows in this ever-complex world.
Composited image created by merging two digital monochrome photographs, using Photoshop’s native auto-blend tool. No A.I.
Created from two images, an overcast afternoon at Ciha Fen Nature Preserve, and morning clouds on the Cedar River, both in Eastern Iowa.
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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Digital Compositions
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:and, black, landscape, monochrome, photography, surreal, white